experience in the field
Quality of Services
Purpose of Aegean Rent through the rental services which are designed to serve you with various types of cars and boats. Our goal and desire to provide our customers with superior quality services, which we will constantly improve and renew.
Fast bookingBook
in 4 simple steps
Find over 30+ different vehicle options
in 5 different places in Attica

Location and date of rental.

Select Vehicle
Choose the vehicle that suits you

Enter your details & payment method

Have a safe trip!
Enjoy your trip!

they say about us
Why Us?
Experience in the field
Our experienced and specialized staff is able to satisfy the needs and wishes of all our customers. The services offered include, I.X.E vehicle rentals, commercial VANs and boats.
We are always by your side
Our services are provided 24/7, aiming at customer satisfaction and always with absolute respect for the market in which we operate.